Freedom of Expression and Judicial Protection in Cases of Infringement of Freedom of Expression – Specialized Training for Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs)

Category : ECHR

Description :

Definition and Characteristics of SLAPPs;
The historical context and their actualization;
Impact of SLAPPs on Freedom of Expression and Democratic Processes;
Case studies highlighting the impact on individuals and society;
The role of SLAPPs in stifling public participation and discourse;
Legal principles and human rights concerns;
Overview of relevant human rights protected by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR);
The interplay between freedom of expression, the right to a fair trial and privacy;
Overview of Council of Europe Recommendations and Resolutions on SLAPPs;
The role of the Committee of Ministers in addressing SLAPPs;
Case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) on SLAPP.

Objectives :

Clearly identify and differentiate SLAPP lawsuits;
Better understand the case law of the European Court of Human Rights regarding SLAPPs, understanding how these precedents influence the interpretation and application of human rights in the context of freedom of expression and legal intimidation;
Recognize the characteristics of strategic lawsuits against public participation, distinguishing them from legitimate legal claims, enabling a more informed and effective judicial response;
Understand and apply specific legal principles and anti-SLAPP actions, providing a strong defense to those who are unfairly targeted by such lawsuits;
Remember trends at the EU level, recognize developments and legal responses to SLAPP lawsuits at the European Union level;
Understand more deeply the initiatives at the level of the Committee of Ministers addressed to member states in opposition to the use of SLAPP lawsuits.

Venue :

Location : Academy of Justice
City : Prishtine

