Division for administrative support and logistics

1.      The duties and responsibilities of the Division for administrative support and logistics are:


1.1.       Implements procedures for document management and administration related to the general functioning of the Academy;

1.2.     Ensures working and accommodation conditions for Academy staff;

1.3.     Manages the Academy's inventory and warehouses;

1.4.     Accepts, checks assets, manages stocks and prepares relevant reports;

1.5.     Conducts the movement of property and provides appropriate information related to the movement of property, and prepares documentation for the movement of assets-alienation;

1.6.     Provides services for the needs of the Academy for inventory, goods and other office equipment for work;

1.7.     Ensures the provision of transportation services and manages the Academy's vehicles and those that are in its use;

1.8.     Provides logistical support for the organization of Academy staff meetings;

1.9.     Provides logistic services for the personnel and needs of the institution;

1.10.   Provides secretarial service to other departments and divisions in the Academy.

1.11.   Providing support to the other units of the Academy, as required;

1.12. Participating in the budgetary planning process of the activities of the division;


2.      The Head of the Division for administrative support and logistics reports to the Director of the Department for Legal and General Services.


3.      The number of employees in the Division for administrative support and logistics is four (4).