Civil society in Kosovo has an important role in monitoring and raising awareness in justice issues. A strong partnership between the Academy of Justice and civil society is essential in promoting good practices for judges, prosecutors and support staff in matters related to human rights, corruption, organized crime, domestic violence and especially access to justice. In support of this role, the Academy of Justice signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Non-governmental Organizations through which it is intended to use the experience and capacities of all parties in the promotion of best practices in the service of the Kosovo judiciary and prosecution. More
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Trajnim praktik në Gjykatë për gjyqtarët e sapo emëruar gjenerata XI
Trajnim praktik në Gjykatë për gjyqtarët e sapo emëruar gjenerata XI
Trajnim praktik në Gjykatë për gjyqtarët e sapo emëruar gjenerata XI
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