Division for legal services, communications and inter-institutional cooperation

1. The duties and responsibilities of the Division for legal services, communications and iner-institutional cooperation are:


1.1 Drafting of primary and secondary legislation in the scope of the Academy;

1.2 Participation in the drafting of other draft laws in the field of justice when this is required by the Academy;

1.3 Providing legal advice, recommendations, instructions and opinions requested by the Executive Director and Academy officials;

1.4 Cooperates with other Departments and Divisions in relation to the field of activity of the Academy;

1.5 Cooperates with other competent institutions for the creation of legal infrastructure in the field of activity of the Academy;

1.6 Drafting memorandums, decisions, proposals and other materials requested by the Executive Director;

1.7 Ensuring the fulfillment of legal duties in the implementation of the law and other provisions from the scope of the Academy.

1.8 Designs and ensures the implementation of the Academy's communication plans;

1.9 Informs and promotes the activity and activities of the Academy in the public sphere;

1.10 Organizes media conferences and prepares press releases, statements, advisories, reports and other media publications;

1.11 Provides professional support for Academy personnel in the field of communication and information in media presentations;

1.12 Prepares, distributes and archives photographs and audio-visual materials of the main activities of the Academy.

1.13 Maintains the register of bylaws of the Academy;

1.14 Ensuring the fulfillment of legal duties in the implementation of the law and other provisions from the scope of the Academy;

1.15 Providing advice and expertise on legal matters, including drafting, analyzing and/or commenting on legislative and bylaw acts;

1.16 Managing the Academy's internal and external communications, including its website and social media accounts;

1.17 Management of inter-institutional communication, international cooperation and donor coordination;

1.18 Provision of translation services for Academy activities;

1.19 Providing support to other units of the Academy, as needed;

1.20 Participation in the budget planning process of the division's activities.


2. The Head of the Division for legal services, communication and inter-institutional cooperation reports to the Director of the Department for Legal and General Services.


3. The number of employees in the Division for legal services, communication and inter-institutional cooperation is five (5).