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Minor offence procedure – efficient and effective management

On 22 January 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute within Continuous Training Program conducted training for judges on: “Minor offence procedure – efficient and effective management”.

Main purpose of this training was contribution on professional advancement of judges in the sense of understanding minor offence and differences of these offences with other offences, as well as identification of types of rulings in minor offence procedure.

Another goal of this training was the adjustment issues for determination of legal deadlines for the beginning of the procedure and assessment of key evidence to verify the situation correctly.

Another purpose of this training was elaboration of issues regarding legal timeframe for initiation of the procedure and assessment of main proofs in proving the factual state.

In its content the training contained techniques relating competent organs which can file a request for minor offence procedure, conditions for initiation or rejection of request to initiate the procedure, and conditions that may reflect the on the termination of minor offence procedure as well as measures for ensuring the presence of parties to the procedure.

Last part of the training the judges were divided into working groups for drafting types of minor offence rulings.

During this training was used a combined method followed by practical cases and interactive discussions about current difficulties in minor offence field.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of minor offence division.

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