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Training of ITP Candidates at the Independent Oversight Board of the Civil Service in Kosovo

On February 25th 2015, KJI in cooperation with the Independent Oversight Board of Civil Service in Kosovo conducted a practical training for candidates of the fifth generation of the Initial Training Program.

Purpose of this training was to acquaint participants with the work of Independent Oversight Board of Civil Service in Kosovo, the legislation, functions and competencies of this institution.

This training provided discussion forum on procedures for decision making by the IOBK with particular emphasis on the procedure before reviewing the complaint, forms of decision making and timelines as well as action within the employment entity.

Content of the training was also implementation of the IOBK decisions by employment entities and other issues related to the work and challenges that IOBK faces, and which are of interest for candidates for future implementation in practice with the purpose on improving the work quality and strengthening the inter-institutional cooperation.

The training was interactive including discussion of several court cases.

Beneficiaries of this training were 16 candidates for judges and 11 candidates for prosecutors

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