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International Legal Cooperation

International legal cooperation

On 04 March 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute within Continuous Training Program conducted a roundtable on: “International Legal Cooperation”.

This training intended to assist participants in identifying problems in implementation of Law on International Legal Cooperation and understand the role and importance of international judicial cooperation in criminal matters as a need in modern times since the crime has exceeded the limits of internal and took international dimension.

This roundtable focused on national and international legal framework regarding international judicial cooperation in criminal matters in order to create a more efficient practice of issuing national orders as fundamental pillar of international legal assistance requests.

In this context, participants emphasized the need for careful preparation of all kinds of international legal requirements in order to be accepted by the receiving state.

They also elaborated mutual legal assistance as national request for legal assistance as well as other countries requests for international legal assistance

Joint units of investigation and undercover investigations as other forms of cooperation were among the topics discussed during this training.

During this training was also discussed the establishment of best practices on international legal cooperation, emphasizing the importance of ability of countries to assist each other quickly and efficiently. 

The training was conducted through addressing issues of judicial practice and examples of templates of international legal cooperation requests in criminal matters. 

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