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Training of ITP Candidates at the Kosovo Chamber of Advocates

On April 17th 2015, the Kosovo Judicial Institute within its Initial Training Program conducted training for candidates of the ITP – 5th generation at the Kosovo Chamber of Advocates.

Purpose of this Training was to inform the candidates for judges and prosecutors related to internal organization and functioning of Kosovo Chamber of Advocates, as an independent organization of public nature and to extend their knowledge about application and correct implementation of the provisions of the Code of professionals Ethics for judges, prosecutors and lawyers.

Content of this training would be the legal basis, functioning of the bodies and regional branches of Kosovo Chamber of Advocates, as well as competencies of the Managing Board and of the president of this institution. Also, it was elaborated about the work and functions of the Training Center for Lawyers as well as training programs that this center provides.

In the last part of the training, candidates were divided in working groups to work on practical cases of legal professional ethics.

The training was interactive at every stage, in which case candidates raised discussions and questions related to issues elaborated.

Beneficiaries of this training were 15 candidates for judges and 10 candidates for prosecutors from the Initial Training Program.

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