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Visit to the Academy of Justice and Justice System Institutions of the Republic of Turkey

Kosovo Judicial Institute within the cooperation with Justice Academy of Republic of Turkey and with the support of TIKA, from 13-17 April conducted an official visit to various institutions of the Turkey justice system.

This program was implemented for the candidates of first generation who have completed Initial Training Program in Kosovo Judicial Institute, which now exercise their function as judges and prosecutors. Part of the delegation were the President of the Supreme Court, Head of KJC, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, and one member of Managing Board, President of Kosovo Judges Association, Director of KJI and a Senior Language Officer.

This visit aimed to familiarize participants with the structure, organization and role of the Academy of Justice, the judicial system in general, without excluding important justice institutions. On this occasion members of the delegation had the opportunity to get familiar with the manner of selection of trainers, recruitment and training of candidates for judges and prosecutors, duration of trainings and training programs developed in this institution.

Within this program were conducted visits to the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors, Court's Sincan, IT Center UYAP, the Court of Cassation, Ministry of Justice, High Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court. In all these institutions, participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the work, role and the challenges they face, and discuss issues related to their practical work. The delegation had also the opportunity to visit the places of social, cultural and historical character placed in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey.


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