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Workshop in Skopje

On 22-23 April 2015, organized by the Academy for Judges and Prosecutors of the Republic of Macedonia and with the support of TAILEX, in Skopje was conducted a workshop on: “Fight against Corruption”.

This workshop aimed to exchange experiences between judges and prosecutors in fight against corruption and to develop a discussion among representatives from different training institutions from the region in raising the quality of the training programs.

The issues raised for discussion during the workshop were: integrity and independence of the judicial and prosecutorial system, GRECO’s measures against corruption, legislative structure and mechanisms used in fighting corruption, including those for appointment, assessment, discipline and training of judges and prosecutors. In this occasion were presented concrete practical experiences in fight against corruption.

This workshop was attended by representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.

As participants from Kosovo were, the one Judge and the President of Appellate Court, one Special Prosecutor and KJI Director. 

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