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Money laundering and terrorism financing

On 19 May 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute within CTP conducted training for judges and prosecutors on "Money laundering and financing of terrorism".

The purpose of this training was primarily to advance theoretical and practical knowledge of judges and prosecutors on issues related to classification of money laundering offences and terrorist financing, identification of cases of this nature and recognizing financial institutions and their obligations in fight against this phenomenon.

Initially during the training was elaborated national legislation covering this field, with special emphasis on legal prevention preventing money laundering and terrorist financing, forms of committing these offences, forms of investigations used by investigators and prosecutors in detecting and prosecuting money laundering offences.

In the afternoon were treated offenses of terrorism financing, elements, and phases of these offences, as well as evaluation and supervision of the financing of terrorism as a major challenge in the fight to prevent this phenomenon.

During this training a senior official from the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) made a presentation notifying judges and prosecutors about the role and challenges faced by them, as well as emphasized the importance of co-operation with this institution, and other relevant institutions to prevent these offenses.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level and special prosecutors.

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