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On 01-05 June 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with Center for Judicial Studies in Portugal, and supported by the project "Support to Legal Education Reform in Kosovo" – and EU funded Project, organized a study visit for representatives of highest representatives of the judiciary and prosecution of Kosovo.

This visit aimed to increase the cooperation between the judicial institutions of the Republic of Kosovo and Republic of Portugal. However, this visit also aimed to establish a cooperation between training institutions of both countries, toward capacity building of judges and prosecutors and candidates for judges and prosecutors.   

During this visit, were conducted meetings and visits to the Center for Judicial Studies, Judicial Council, Supreme Court, Constitutional Court, General Prosecution Office and High Prosecutorial Council of the Republic of Portugal, also in order to be more familiarized with the work of judges and prosecutors of Portugal, were visited a court of first instance of Sebutal city close to Lisbon.

The study visit agenda included a discussion regarding competencies and organization of judicial and prosecutorial system as well as constitution of the Republic of Portugal. In this occasion, participants had the opportunity to gain knowledge on recruitment, assessment and disciplinary system of judges and prosecutors of Portugal. A special emphasis was paid to competencies of Judicial Council, Prosecutorial Council, Supreme Court, General Prosecution Office and Constitution Court of Portugal. Whilst, being at the Portuguese Training Canter, participants discussed about  the structure and competences of this center, recruitment process of candidates for judges and prosecutors and the organization of preparatory and initial examination. Therefore, in addition to this several trainers of Portuguese training school presented their experiences regarding the organization of continuous program for judges and prosecutors, development of training curriculums, training methodology and distance learning (e-learning)   

At the end of the visit, the Officials of the Portuguese Center and the Director of Kosovo Judicial Institute agreed to assign very soon a memorandum of cooperation, in support to exchange and training programs for judicial and prosecutorial systems of both countries.

Participants on this visit were: President of the Supreme Court, State Chief Prosecutor, and President of the Appellate Court, Head of Managing Board and KJI Director, KJC and KPC. Part of this delegation was also the head of EU Project that supported the organization of this visit. 

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