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Preparatory Meeting “Western Balkans Network of Judicial Training Institutions”

On 23rd June 2015, in Sarajevo – Bosnia and Hercegovina, the first preparatory meeting of the western Balkans judicial training institutions was conducted. This event was attended by the training institutions of Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosova, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia.

The aim of this meeting was to discuss the format of the actual cooperation and exchanging ideas for the future cooperation.

During the meeting representatives of the training institutions presented the structure and mandate of their judicial training institutions including training programmes, projects, annual plans and vision for development of respective judiciaries.

On this occasion, it was also discussed about different proposals and ideas of the future network (regional activities, members/observers, areas of cooperation) etc.

At this meeting, Kosova was represented by the KJI Director and a KJC representative.

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