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European and international standards on fight against corruption

On 26 June 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute with the support of the project “Further Support to Legal Education Reform” EULER II, conducted training on: “European and international standards on fight against corruption”  

This training aimed to enhance professional capacities of judges and prosecutors relating European and international standards on fight against corruption.

During this training was discussed the approximation of the legislation, in particular the compatibility of the legal frame with the civil and criminal conventions against corruption of European Council, implementation of EU convention against corruption, as well as combating of money laundering.    

The focus of this training was deepening of continuous cooperation between international and n national institutions in fight against corruption.

The participants also discussed about the responsibility of legal persons for corruption offences and the role of the case law in applying the Criminal Code in corruption cases.

Beneficiaries of this training were special prosecutors, judges, prosecutors and professional associates of basic level.  

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