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Development of trial advocacy skills

From June 29 until July 2nd 2015, KJI in cooperation with the US Department of Justice, OPDAT, conducted an advanced training for trainers on the following topic “Developing trial advocacy skills”.

Purpose of this training was increase of the training skills of KJI trainers in order for them to teach the participants with the most enhanced techniques of trial representation, in which case they will further increase implementation of new provisions of CPCK.

Focus of this training was use of interactive techniques of teaching for adults, learning key principles of successful judicial advocacy, effective learning of direct examination, and learning of successful indirect examination, expert witnesses, opening statement and the closing statement. Also, a considerable part of training focused on increase of training skills for trainers and application of the criticism.

After each theoretical part of the training the practical representation techniques in trial were presented.

Beneficiaries of the training were trainers of the trial advocacy skills. 

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