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Internship program for judges and prosecutors

With the support of the EU funded project “Further support to Legal Education Reform in Kosovo” an internship program for judges and prosecutors of the Republic of Kosovo was organized. This program took place during the period of 6-14 July 2015 in several stages and divided in four (4) groups.

In the first week of the program all participants attended a common program combined with meetings and visits in various institutions like courts, Justice Academy in Germany and the European Law Academy, while in the second week participants were divided in two groups, 2 (two) of which continued the internship program for one (1) week, while the other two (2) groups continued with the program for another two (2) weeks.

This internship program aimed at increasing cooperation between institutions of judiciary and prosecutorial system of the Republic of Germany and the Republic of Kosovo, acquaint experiences from German judicial system in building capacities of judiciary, the court’s and prosecution work, the judicial system, application of judicial procedures from judges and prosecutors as well as increase of cooperation between judicial training institutions of two countries with the purpose of enhancing the judges’ and prosecutors’ practical skills. 

During the first week when the participants were in one joint group the training program focused on the following: judiciary in Germany – structures and responsibilities, including the principles of a modern state relying on the rule of law, principles of procedural justice (civil, criminal and administrative), independence of the judiciary, procedure of the judges and prosecutors appointments, legal education and continuous training for judges and prosecutors, administering justice, legal professions (lawyers and notaries), the justice portal of courts – information services and other online services, IT in courts, electronic files and electronic access to justice, cooperation with the media and many other issues that relate to the judicial system in Germany. 

This program covered visit to the German Justice Academy (DRA). The delegation was welcomed by the Director for the Academy Mr. Stefan Tratz, who after presenting the structure, functions and work of the Academy, presented the education system for judges, the process of training needs assessment, the system of selection of trainers and participants, structure of the program that emphasized importance that the Academy pays to cross-disciplinary trainings, to training assessment as well as the distance learning (e-learning) that is delivered for judges and other judicial professionals in Germany.

The program continues with a visit to the European Justice Academy (ERA) where the participants had the opportunity to practically acquaint with development and delivery of a train through the e-learning system. This training was particularly important for the fact that participants could see closely how a distance learning training is implemented using the information technology.

This on the second week, the group divided in four sub-groups who conducted their program in judicial institutions in Bonn, Köln, Heilbronn, Stuttgart, Nuremberg and in München.

Judges and prosecutors had the chance to participate in judicial hearings taking place in the first and second instance, in the criminal procedure, civil and other special procedures that were implemented by courts where the internship was taking place.

Participants in this visit were judges and prosecutors of all instances starting from the Supreme Court, the Appeals Court and Prosecution and Basic Courts and Prosecution. Part of the delegation was a representative from the EU “Further Support to Legal Education Reform in Kosovo” project, and a KJI representative. 


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