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Protection of injured parties and witnesses

On 08 July 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute within CTP, conducted a training on: “Protection of injured parties and witnesses”.

This training aimed to enhance professional capacities of judges and prosecutors on national and international legislation regarding protection of injured parties and witnesses including needs assessment for providing protection to both the respective categories.  

During this session were addressed issues related to protection of injured parties and witnesses during criminal proceedings, protection measures and the legal basis of issuing the order for application of these measures, cases when these measures can be applied. Within this area were also treated the offences for which the protection measure can be required and risk assessment for threatening of witnesses and injured parties from inside and outside.   

Also within this training were elaborated the witnesses categories with the special emphasis on random witnesses and anonymous witnesses, cooperative witnesses, the prosecutor’s request for declaring a person as an cooperative witness and beneficiaries that enjoyed by a person as a cooperative witness. 

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level. 

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