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Proving remedies and obtaining evidence

On July 16th 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted a training for judges on the topic of “proving remedies and obtaining evidence” with a focus on contested procedure.

Purpose of this training was to help the participants in analyzing and implementing correctly legal provisions related to the time of proposal and presentation of evidence in contested procedure, as well as contribute to noting and avoiding practical problems related to the issue of developing the proving procedure.

This training discussed about cases when the court is authorized to take evidence that were not proposed by parties, but that it finds that parties tend to possess requests that they are not eligible to have, types of proving remedies in contested procedure, burden of proof in contested procedure, as well as obtaining evidence (preliminary evidence).

In this light, elaboration was provided on the fact that need to be proved and those that don’t need to be proven in contested procedure, in which case various examples of court verdicts were given by the trainers, in order to contribute to unification of judicial practice of this area.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic instance court from all regions of Kosovo. 

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