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Taxation processes

On September 08th2015, KJI in cooperation with USAID CLE within its Continuous Training Program organized a training on “Taxation processes”.

Purpose of this training was extending substantial knowledge of judges on taxation system in Kosovo and usual problems occurring in the tax collection activities, where often the taxpayers tend to avoid their obligations which brings judicial disputes for the payment to take place.

This training elaborated applicable legislation and main challenges in its practical implementation, review of tax policies, basis and internal organization of KTA. It continued discussions on issues that relate to tax obligations and overview of main taxes in Kosovo, including the Value Added Tax (VAT), Vat statement and double taxes, elements of tax bills, VAT reimbursement procedure, corporate taxes, municipal taxes and property taxes.

Training was delivered in interactive mode, having participating judges discuss and raise issues that were focus of this training.

Beneficiaries of this training were civil law judges in the Kosovo Supreme Court, judges at the Appeals Court - Commercial Department, as well as judges from Basic Court of Prishtina – Commercial and Administrative departments. 

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