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Asset tracing, seizing, confiscation and their use

On 15 September 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute within continuous training program and in cooperation with EU project supporting the Asset Tracing and Confiscation Agency, with the support of B&S organized training on: “Asset tracing, seizing, confiscation and their use”

The training focused on national and international legislation including (direct and indirect) methodology used for tracing, seizing and asset confiscation as well as their use.  

During the training was elaborated the legal framework relating the administration and designation of the confiscated assets acquitted by criminal activity.  Whereas, the international trainer put the emphasis on Italian way of confiscating assets, and their use by the state. Also during the training was done a comparison between the Italian and Kosovo legal framework, including advantages and disadvantages of both laws.

The training was developed through interactive discussions treating confiscation of incomes of criminal offences in Kosovo, identifying gaps of current system, and best practices of using the illicit assets for institutional and social purposes such as: use of illicit assets by the Government institutions, local authorities through direct or indirect ways.

Beneficiaries of this training were local judges and prosecutors of basic instances and EULEX judges, prosecutors and legal advisers.

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