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Specialized training programs on development of capacity building on fight against corruption - Session I

On 09-10 October 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted the session I of the training program “Specialized program on development of capacity building on fight against corruption – Session I”.

The purpose of this training was to understand properly and in detailed the meaning of corruption as foreseen by the legislation in force, to understand consequences of corruption and discussions about the successful forms in combating and preventing corruption.

The main focus of this session was to discuss challenges regarding the implementation of national legislation in combating corruption, investigation and development plans, initial steps, analysis of public available information and access to the documents and public information.

Within this training session were also discussed issues related to the development of measures for the preservation and strengthening of the institutions dealing with the fight against corruption, human and professional capacity building of  judges and prosecutors, strengthening Anti-Corruption Agency as an independent and specialized body for implementation of state policies in combating and preventing corruption in Kosovo.

In order to complete this training cycle, this program will be followed by session II and III consisting of the same group of participants.
Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance.

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