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Child protection in cases of changing their status and domestic violence cases

On 5 - 6 November 2015, within the framework of Continuous Training Program, KJI with the support of UNICEF, conducted a two-day training on: "Protection of children's rights in cases of changing their status and domestic violence case ", which is the third training session on Justice for Children Module – civil aspect.

The purpose of this training was to deepen theoretical and practical knowledge of judges relating to the interpretation and application of legal provisions dealing with rejection of the procedure and recognition of fatherhood and motherhood proceedings. During the training was also elaborated the role of the court and guardianship authority on issuing adequate protection orders with the purpose of protecting the best interests of the child in cases of changing their status and in cases of domestic violence.

The training was focused on topics such as the status of the child and verification of marital status, marital and extramarital children, marital and extramarital ways to of proving parental relationship, extramarital consequences for the child in case of rejection of paternity and maternity and legal effects of recognition of paternity and maternity court proceedings. Also within this training were discussed the rights of children in cases of domestic violence, types of protection orders and protective measures against domestic violence issued by the court.

Training methodology of this training was a combination of theoretical lecturing and practical cases, followed by discussion of problems and challenges faced in practice

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic courts and officials from Social Work Center.

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