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Criminal offences against the economy

On 12 November 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute has conducted training for judges and prosecutors on: "Crimes against the economy".

This training aims to  contribute on deepening of theoretical and practical knowledge of judges and prosecutors on application of legal provisions covering this area, identification and qualification of economic crimes and increase cooperation with the competent authorities in the fight this type of crimes.

The training focused on treating types of economic crimes, tax evasion, smuggling and prohibited trade, as well as other related issues. In this context, were also elaborate the interconnection of these acts with corruption, confiscation of assets acquired through criminal acts against the economy and importance of combating these offenses by competent authorities.

Training methodology focused on combination of theoretical explanations and practical cases, where participants were divided into working groups working on study cases.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance.

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