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Pre-final decision on selling confiscated assets as subject to confiscation

On 25 November 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute, in cooperation with EU Project “assistance to Agency for seizure and asset confiscation, implemented by B&S Europe” conducted training on "Pre-final decision on selling confiscated assets as subject to confiscation".

The purpose of this training was to advance professional capacity of judges and other professionals in solving confiscation and seizure issues.

Initially during the training were elaborated the confiscation proceedings, confiscated phases and evidence necessary for confiscation, confiscation before final judgment and confiscation in final judgment, the process of seizure and confiscation measures and evidence.

During the training participants discussed about confiscation of proceeds of crimes and the sale of the property before confiscation.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the basic level and other professionals.

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