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Development of Trial Advocacy Skills

On 25-26 November, the Kosovo Judicial Institute within CTP, conducted training on "Development of Trial Advocacy Skills".

The training was conducted with the aim of increasing practical advocacy skills and development of the trial, in particular the advocacy techniques as predicted by changes of Criminal Procedural Code regarding examination, presentation of evidence and lead of judicial hearings.

Within two-day training, were elaborated trial advocacy techniques, direct examination, cross examination, impeachment, redirect examination of defendants, witnesses, experts, opening statement and closing argument. In this context it was addressed the difference between opening statement and closing argument.

All these techniques were reviewed from the perspective of the prosecutor and the defense counsel in order to identify facts that support their theories. For each technique, after a theoretical introduction, the participants were divided into groups, where they had to develop and demonstrate all aforementioned techniques. After each demonstration, participants were subject to critical evaluation, this was done through video review.

The beneficiaries of this training were the judges of Basic Courts.

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