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Coordination Meeting with Court Presidents and State Chief Prosecutors

On 23 December 2015, KJI conducted a follow-up meeting with court presidents and state chief prosecutors where were discussed different aspects regarding trainings for judges and prosecutors during 2015, as well as training preparation for 2016.

At the meeting, President of KJI Managing Board Mr. Ymer Hoxha and KJI Act. Director Mr. Besim Morina notified court presidents and state chief prosecutors about the Training Program for 2016, which contains a description of each activity that will be conducted by KJI during 2016, including the application form for judges and prosecutors who wants to attend trainings up to July of this year, whilst where also introduced the training application deadline. During the meeting was also discussed about training needs and coordinating the participation in training, as well as challenges of this process.

Participants at this meeting appreciated the work and contribution of KJI in raising the professionalism of judges and prosecutors, and expressed their readiness for greater involvement in the needs assessment process and increase participation in trainings, with particular emphasis coordination to participation in training.

At the end of the meeting, through court presidents and state chief prosecutors were distributed to all judges and prosecutors the Training Program for 2016 as well as other support training materials.

Present at this meeting were Court Presidents State Chief Prosecutor and Director of the Unit for the Performance Assessment of the Prosecutions.

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