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Study visit of the Director of German Judicial Academy to the Kosovo Judicial Institute

From 15 to 16 of March 2012 the Director of the German Judicial Academy (DRA) visited the Kosovo Judicial Institute (KJI). The purpose of this visit was exchange of ideas on curriculum development and future cooperation between the KJI and DRA.

On 15 of March was organized a round table discussion with KJI staff. The Director of DRA and the Director of KJI made presentations on the organization and functions of their training institutions. 

During this round table the KJI Head of Continuous Legal Education Program (CLEP) and the Head of Initial Legal Education Program (ILEP) introduced the organization of their programs and activities. They summarize the progress made, explained the organization of the preparatory exam for candidates for judges and prosecutors, the content and implementation processes of ILEP and CLEP.

As part of this discussion the Director of DRA did a very important presentation on the composition of the DRA and its functions, focusing on continues and initial training programs for judges and prosecutors.

On this occasion were exchanged different ideas and comments on different aspects of education for judges and prosecutors and at the end two directors agreed to have close cooperation in the future between DRA and KJI.

During the second day of the visit, the Director of DRA visited the Supreme Court of Kosovo, State Prosecutor Office, and Pristina Municipal Court. The organization of courts, prosecution offices and different reforms in the judicial and prosecutorial system of Kosovo were discussed.

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