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Statutory limitation

On 02 February, 2016, within the Continuous Training Program (CTP), the KJI has conducted training on the topic “Statutory Limitation” in the criminal field.

Training has aimed the advancing of the knowledge of participants about local and international legal framework that governs this area, and establishing a uniform practice regarding the application of certain provisions regarding which dilemmas are manifested in judicial practice, in the function of proper interpretation of the institute of statutory limitation, as a very important institution, due to the weight and effect that it has on criminal justice.

In this training initially were elaborated the legal nature of the statutory limitation, commencement, stoppage, termination as well as duration of criminal prosecution’s statutory limitation. Also, in this context there were treated specific deadlines at criminal offenses due to their nature and non-statutory limitation of the certain category of criminal offenses

Moreover, in the training was elaborated commencement and termination of statutory limitation deadlines concerning the execution of the punishments, the statutory limitation of execution of accessory punishments and measures of mandatory treatment and execution of the punishment in the juveniles’ procedure as well as inapplicability of statutory limitation for criminal offenses against international law and aggravated murder.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level.

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