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Legal research techniques

On 26-28 January 2016, KJI with the support of GIZ conducted training on: “Legal research techniques”.

This workshop aims to develop capacity building of trainers and KJI staff legal research techniques and to get them familiar with national and international data bases that provide legal resources and other materials needed for the work of the judiciary.

During three days training a German judge Mr. Christian Happe, elaborated sources of legal research of national and international level with special emphasis on HUDOC and data bases from the German perspective as such as JURIS, BECK ONLINE and other data bases of courts which are exclusively for publishing court decisions.

Within the framework of this workshop, special attention was paid to the electronic library of KJI. Whereas the access and clarifications manner regarding the type of legal materials provided by this database was elaborated by KJI staff.

During the workshop judges and prosecutors expressed the need for publication of judicial decisions at all courts with the purpose of unifying the practice and approaching cases with more professionalism.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors who are at the same time KJI trainers and KJI staff. 

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