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Asylum Law – national and international legislation

On 25 February 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute in Cooperation with UNCHR conducted training on: “Asylum Law – National and International Legislation”.

The training aimed at raising awareness about domestic legislation, international acts and practices established by the ECHR on the right to asylum, as well as strengthening cooperation and coordination between the relevant institutions related to asylum.

During the training initially were elaborated international sources of asylum, international legal framework in this area and relation with local legislation as well as the role of UNHCR in protecting the rights of refugees.

The next phase of this training was focused mainly on domestic legislation, where in particular was discussed the Kosovo Law on Asylum and other bylaws regulating this field. In this regard it was discussed the asylum seekers' rights under domestic legislation, the procedure of treating asylum requests and the conditions for the suspension of the procedure and the cessation of the right to asylum. In this context, was also discussed the role and function of non-governmental organizations in protecting the rights of refugees.

The last phase of the training focused on handling the initiation of an administrative dispute on the right to asylum, complaint and timing for the initiation of an administrative dispute, the procedure and the role of parties in an administrative dispute, and the development of appeal. In this context where also treated the circumstances for rejection of the final administrative act.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic level, Department for Administrative Matters, police officials, members of the National Committee for Refugees in Kosovo and NGO representatives, CRPK and KRCT.  

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