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Sub-module – Property right and other related rights – topic: Ways of acquiring the right of ownership, derivative and original profit of the right to ownership

On September 27, 2022, the Academy of Justice within the Initial Program, for the newly appointed judges of the ninth generation for the second group, is conducting the theoretical training, the third training session from the module "Property right and other real rights ", with the trainer engaged Mr. Erdogan Haxhibeqiri, Judge at the Supreme Court.

During this session were addressed: the basics of acquiring the ownership right, the method of acquiring ownership, the holders of the ownership right, Derivative ownership acquisition, modus Aquirendi for acquiring ownership over real right, acquiring ownership in original way, statutory limitation (Usucapio), construction on foreign land, loss of ownership (extinguishment)

The training methodology is being developed through the interactive discussions and practical cases.

Beneficiaries of the training are 18 newly appointed judges.

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