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Sub-module – Family Law, Topic - Matrimonial Law, Marriage Solution, Divorce Procedure, Alimony and Parental Rights

On September 27, 2022, as part of the initial training program for the newly appointed judges of the ninth generation, group II, is being conducted the theoretical training of the second session under the sub module "Family Law" with the trainer engaged Mr. Valon Totaj, President of the Court of Appeal.

Within this training session, the following are being addressed: marital law and its meaning, goals, obstacles and conditions for marriage, the meaning, types of rights and obligations of spouses, ways of marriage resolution, main principles of the divorce procedure, the meaning and importance of the alimony as an obligation, the meaning of the parental right

The training methodology is being implemented through practical cases and exercises, including a mock trial on the subject matter.

Beneficiaries of the training are 18 newly appointed judges.

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