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Sub module - "State Prosecutor, the defense of the injured party and the defendant as parties in criminal procedure" topic - State Prosecutor

On September 27, 2021, as part of the initial training program for newly appointed judges of the ninth generation, group I, the first session of the theoretical training under the module "The role of the judge in pre-criminal proceedings" is being conducted with trainer engaged Mr. Besim Kelmendi, Act. Chief State Prosecutor.

Within this session, the following are being addressed: general overview - State Prosecutor, the role of the prosecutor in the initiation of criminal proceedings, cooperation and public relations, the exclusion of state prosecutor, the structure and competence of the state prosecutor, the role of the state prosecutor after receiving the criminal report, obtaining evidence by the prosecutor during the investigation, the role of the state prosecutor in relation to the arrest, detention and other measures for ensuring the presence of  the defendant during the investigation phase, the role of the state prosecutor in filing of the indictment, the role of the state prosecutor in temporary seizure of assets, the restraining order, the temporary security measure, temporary confiscation, the role of the state prosecutor during the judicial hearing, the role of the state prosecutor in presenting legal remedies and the role of the prosecutor in other procedures.

The training methodology is being implemented with practical cases as well as with the interactive method.

Beneficiaries of the training are 29 newly appointed judges, where two of them are from the Serbian community.

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