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Roundtable discussion - unification of practices and interpretation of legal issues discussed in the framework of Court of Appeal colleges in civil matters

On 18 -19 February 2016, KJI organized a roundtable discussion on Civil Division- General Department of Court of Appeal aiming to discuss on the unification of practice and interpretation of legal issues discussed in the framework of the Court of Appeals colleges in civil matter. Also due to the similar procedure, this roundtable was attended by judges of Department on Commercial matters and the Administrative matters.

The purpose of this roundtable was to identify training needs on civil matters, whereas during discussions participants gave their proposals for the organizations of trainings by KJI.

Within this roundtable were discussed issues on how to act in cases of appeals against decisions on interim measures of insurance, cases of disputes over the payment of wages in terms of the deadline for filing the action, when the complaint is on the Court of appeal and the plaintiff decides to withdraws it, cases involving disputes of KTP employees for the ranks, the proving issue in civil procedure, the issue of a temporary representative and other issues related to the preliminary review of dispute, as well as Boundaries of the examining a court case in the first instance.

At the end of this roundtable, participants agreed that the work of the colleges of the courts and issues discussed during this roundtable to be unified.

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