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Sub-module: –“The state prosecutor, the injured party and the defendant as parties in the criminal procedure”; Topic: The defendant and defense in criminal proceeding

September 28 2022, Academy of Justice within the Initial Training Program for the first group pf newly appointed judges, is conducting a theoretical training from the sub-module “role of the judge in the preliminary procedure” with trainer Mr. Besim Kelmendi, acting Chief State Prosecutor.

Second session of the sub-module “The state prosecutor, the defense of the injured party and the defendant as a party in the criminal procedure" continues with the treatment of sub-topics: The defendant during the preliminary procedure, the meaning of the notion of expert in the criminal procedure, the defendant after the indictment is filed, the defendant in cases of warrant prohibition, asset freezing and temporary measures and the protection of the defendant in the criminal procedure.

Training methodology is applying practical cases and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training are 29 newly appointed judges two of whom are of the Serbian community.

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