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Judicial application of the Aarhus Convention

On March 15 2016, the KJI within the Continuous Training Program (CTP), with the support of UNDP, has conducted training on "Judicial application of the Aarhus Convention".

The purpose of this training was identifying the preliminary conditions for proper application of the provisions in decision making within the Law on Environmental Protection based on Aarhus Convention.

In the training was initially elaborated the legal basis on which are based the institutions of public authorities to guarantee every citizen the opportunity to influence in the decisions relating to the environment where he/she lives. There were also discussed the challenges encountered by judges while issuing court decisions since Kosovo has not yet ratified this convention.

Special emphasis was payed to the discussion regarding the right to information according to the environmental legislation of Kosovo, the participation of public in decision-making, judicial protection of environmental rights, access to environmental information, participation of public in decision-making as well as criminal liability for environmental pollution.

During this training there were also used examples from the practice wherein the participants had the opportunity to acquire the best practices in this regard.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic courts.

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