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Protection of children's rights in marital-family disputes

From 14 to15 April 2016, the Kosovo Judicial Institute, with the support of UNICEF, has conducted two days training on the topic "Protection of children's rights in marital-family disputes".

The purpose of this training was that both judges and other professionals involved, be able with professional competence to implement the highest local and international standards and procedures where there is a need for the protection of children's rights so that the children be provided with protection of rights according to the principle the best interest for the juvenile, in each case and proceedings.

Training was focused on addressing the protection of children's rights according to positive legislation in Kosovo, specifically under the Family Law but also other significant normative acts, comparison with international standards on protection of children's rights, in particular with the Convention on the children's rights in terms of creating effective practices based on which should be given professional assessment and decision in protecting the rights of children in marital disputes.

Furthermore, there was elaborated the protection of children's rights during divorce proceedings, the criteria that court takes into account in cases of entrustment of the child, protection and care of children and the role of Custodian Body in the entrustment of the child proceedings. It was also elaborated the issue of alimony, the establishing of the children contacts with parents and court decision on these cases in ex officio mode.

The beneficiaries of this training are judges were judges of basic level and professional associates.

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