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Asset tendering of socially owned enterprises and judicial review of this process by the court

On 10 May 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within Continuous Training Program (CTP), conducted training on "Asset tendering of social enterprises and review of this process by the court."

This training aimed to treat entirely the tendering process and the sale of assets of socially owned enterprises and contribute to overcome the problems encountered in practice during the judicial review process.

The training focused on the elaboration of administrative tendering process in AKP, legal basis and the tender procedure as a process of privatization of social enterprises, stages of the asset tendering process, as well as cases of delay and cancellation of the tender. Further, were  discussed the judicial review of the tendering process, legal basis of the claims on tendering process of SOEs and their assets, parties that can initiate judicial proceedings and the case law of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court regarding tendering processes applied to SOEs or their assets.

The training was conducted through interactive discussions of the judicial practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the Supreme Court, the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court and judges of the Court of Appeal.

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