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Forum “Establishment of the Network of Judicial Training Institution of South-east Europe Countries”

On 13-14 April 2016, Council on Regional Cooperation GIZ and Rumanian National Institute of Magistracy organized a forum on: “Establishment of the Judicial Training Institution Network of South-east Europe Countries”.

The training focused on presentation of the report on best practices on training judges and prosecutors in the member countries of the EU and the Network of European Judicial Training Institutions (EJTN).

Within this forum, KJI presented its institutional capacities and its role in the judiciary the cooperation with judges and prosecutors, advantages and challenges, its programs, decision-making process, best practices and regional cooperation.

Also, in this forum which was attended by judicial training institutions of Eastern Europe countries, was discussed and proposed the scope of the network, the structure, its role and activities.

In the forum in addition to KJI representatives, participated also a representative of the Ministry of Justice.

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