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Review of Annual Report of the Kosovo Judicial Institute for 2015

On 10.05.2015, the Committee on Legislation, Mandates, Immunities, Rules of Procedure of the Assembly and Oversight of Anti-Corruption Agency of the Assembly of Republic of the Kosovo has reviewed the annual report of the Kosovo Judicial Institute for 2015.

At this meeting Acting Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute presented in a summarized form conducted activities, achievements and challenges of KJI for 2015, particularly the legal problems that have emerged following the legal changes in the laws of the judiciary.

The Acting Director of KJI has presented as outlined issues the report on continuous training for judges, prosecutors and administrative staff of the courts and prosecution offices, the initial training of candidates for judges and prosecutors, the program for research and publications including KJI’s library, enhancement of training methodology etc. On this occasion the committee has assessed KJI’s report as well detailed, good work done and KJI's readiness to support the various legal processes thus far.

The Committee members have requested clarification, especially regarding legal issues, outlined in the report, requests for training from other institutions and not large number of legal sources in Albanian within KJI’s library. The KJI’s Acting Director has given adequate answers to all addressed questions by the Committee’s members.

Also, on 17.05.2015 the Committee for Budget and Finance of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, has reviewed KJI’s financial report for 2015. At this meeting Acting Director of KJI has presented, in a summarized form, the budget and costs incurred on the occasion of the implementation of the activities planned for 2015. After the presentation by the Acting Director, the Commission emphasized that it is a modest budget and the report was prepared in details, it has also requested additional information if there are concrete actions in resolving the KJI’s building. Acting Director of KJI, has informed about all actions undertaken by KJI and efforts that are still ongoing to resolve the issue of the building.

Both Committees have supported the annual report 2015 and have recommended its approval in the Assembly of Kosovo.

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