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Judicial protection in labor relations disputes

On 05 May 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within the Continuous Training Program (CTP) conducted training on: “Judicial protection in labor relations disputes”.

This training aimed to analyze deeply the applicable legislation referring to judicial protection in labor relations disputes and provide a contribution to uniform practices toward proper implementation of the respective laws covering this filed. 

As part of this training were elaborated disputes arising from labor relations according to Labor Law and the Law on Civil Service, the distinction between disputes of civil servants and other disputes arising from employment, types of employment contracts and the reasons for termination of employment contract according to the Labor Law and the Law on Civil servants.

Furthermore, were discussed the court procedures for protecting the rights of the employees and respecting deadline when seeking judicial protection, exhaustion of domestic legal remedies to acquire the right for requesting judicial protection and legal consequences of failure to comply

The training was conducted through interactive discussions where participants had the opportunity to present their views relating to the training issues, such as applicable legislation and court jurisdiction in cases of seeking judicial protection in labor disputes.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the basic level and professional associates.

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