News and Activities - Archive


Human trafficking

On June 21, 2016, KJI with the support of the Council of Europe Office in Pristina has conducted training on the topic "Human Trafficking".

The purpose of this training was to increase the professional capacities of the judiciary in order to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in combating against human trafficking criminal acts, in the context of the protection of human rights.

In the focus of this training was detailed analysis of domestic legislation and international acts that sanction and regulate various aspects that are associated with the elements, forms and procedures of investigation, treatment of victims of trafficking in human beings as well as the forms of efficient national, regional and international cooperation

Within this training there were conducted discussions on specific cases from practice about effective forms seizure and confiscation of assets of traffickers, who have benefited from trafficking in human beings.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level as well as officials from the Kosovo Police.

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