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Interactive techniques and training structure

From 22 to 23 June 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the twinning project “Further Support to Legal Education Reform" has conducted a training of trainers on the topic "Interactive techniques and training structure"

The training's main goal was the development of future trainers’ skills and abilities in relation to the techniques and specifics of training, with the intention to provide qualitative and attractive trainings for the participants.

During the training, the trainers have had the opportunity to get acquainted with the types of learning, competencies and appropriate methods to enhance the competencies of judges, drafting of training material and utilising resources as well as setting training objectives.

In addition, within the training were explained the guidelines that include the process of organizing the trainings, including practical cases, the plan for implementing the training, PowerPoint.

The beneficiaries of the training were the judges, court administrators, communications managers and officials for managing the cases, all future trainers of KJI.

This training was conducted by the German experts in the field of judicial training

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