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Regional conference Legal protection against discrimination in Eastern Europe

From 28-29 June 2016, in the city of Budva in Montenegro there was held Regional Conference with the topic 'Legal Protection against discrimination in Eastern Europe'.

The purpose of the conference was the presentation of the reports from the project "Legal protection against discrimination in South East Europe" at the regional level for the period October 2015 to August 2016, as well as improving the methodological capacity of stakeholders in acting against discrimination in Eastern Europe.

The works during the conference are conducted in groups with the topics legal education and training on anti-discrimination in SEE as well as strengthening of anti-discrimination and capacities in South-Eastern Europe.

The conference was attended by about 80 representatives of various state institutions of South-Eastern Europe such as: the main partners of the public law faculties represented through South- Eastern European Network, Law School (SEELS) from the region of South- Eastern Europe, the judiciary and training institutions, anti-discrimination state authorities from Eastern European countries. From Kosovo delegation apart from other institutions also has participated one representative of the Kosovo Judicial Institute.

The conference was supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Open Regional Fund for South Eastern Europe Reform -Legal.

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