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Drafting and legal reasoning

On June 29 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute has conducted training for professional associates on the topic "Drafting and legal reasoning" in criminal and civil aspect.

The purpose of this training was to increase the quality of work of the participants in drafting various legal acts and ensuring access and unified standards for drafting of all types of courts' acts.

In the focus of the training were: types of courts' acts and announcements, standards, applicable forms and procedures, the process of reasoning and drafting of judicial decisions, practical exercises and presentation forms and samples to ensure uniform access and good quality, acquaintance  with main duties and responsibilities of members of the administration to deal with civil and criminal cases, work upon cases, record keeping, reporting and communication flow, forms, samples and procedural requirements, correct use of the language and standard of official correspondence.

The training was conducted through participants’ discussions on IRAC method as an effective arrangement in drafting judicial decisions.

During the training there were elaborated cases from judicial practice. The beneficiaries of this training were courts' professional associates from the supreme and basic level.

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