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Joint proceeding of juveniles with adults

On 07 July 2016, KJI conducted training in the field of juvenile justice, on: "Joint proceeding of juveniles with adults".

The training aimed at analyzing and explaining the legal provisions regulating this field, support participants in the advancement of knowledge on identification of the principles of separation of the procedure when the minor has committed a criminal offense in conjunction with an adult, as well as the correct application of the joint procedure in accordance with the provisions of the JJC and thee CPCK.

As part of this training were elaborated stages of joint proceeding, the characteristics of proceedings against minors, the proposal of the prosecutor or defense on joint proceedings, decision taken on joint proceeding, separation and joining of criminal procedure and some features of the judgment in the process of joint proceeding.

During the development of the training, participants raised practical problems through discussions and practical cases in terms of creating uniform practices.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic level.

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