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Declaration of assets

On 07 and 11 July 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with CPC and with the OSCE conducted training on: “Declaration of assets”.

This training aimed to deeply elaborate the Article 437 of the Criminal Code which covers non-reporting or false reporting of wealth, gifts or other material benefits, as criminal offence, elements of this offence, providing so a contribution in avoiding uncertainties that exist in the current judicial case law.

Training focused on the elaboration of the issue of filing the indictment regarding declaration of assets by Article 437 of the Criminal Code, and responses given through curt judgments, in terms of providing a proper interpretation on practical implementation of this article. Furthermore,  during the training were discussed the elements of this offense as prescribed by law, emphasizing alto that there can be no other interpretation since the law is very decisive and does not leave room for other interpretations.

The methodology applied during the training included interactive discussions towards creation of a unified judicial system and protection from unfounded accusations that continue to undermine public confidence in justice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors, from the region of Prishtina, Gjakova, Peja and Prizren as well as officials from the Anti-Corruption Agency.

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