News and Activities - Archive


Joint Investigation Teams

On 5-7 September 2016, KJI in cooperation with the "International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Matters" founded by EU Network and implemented Western Balkans Prosecutor's Network, conducted the workshop on: "Joint Investigation Teams ".

Within this workshop were elaborated issues concerning the establishment of joint investigation teams and of mutual international legal assistance, up to date practices, with the emphasis on collection and exchange of evidence of criminal offenses related to organized crime and financial matters. During this workshop also were addressed issues regarding the role and function of Interpol, Europol and other important institutions that deal with the exchange of information and investigation of organized crime with international elements.

The methodology applied was combined with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions and working groups.

Beneficiaries of this training were prosecutors from the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor, Special Prosecutors of the Republic of Kosovo, prosecutors of basic instances, as well as police investigators from all regions of Kosovo.

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