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Joint property of spouses, co-ownership and division

On September 6 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within Continuous Training Program (CTP) has conducted training on the topic "Joint Property of spouses, co-ownership and division".

The training has aimed to evaluate entirely the theoretical and practical aspect that deals with the issue of joint property of spouses, co- ownership and division of this property, and in this way to contribute towards the advancement of professional knowledge and skills of participating judges in order to unify judicial standards.

Within this training there were elaborated the legal nature of co-ownership and joint ownership, the differences between these two forms of ownership and specific distinguishing elements of these institutes. Further there were treated joint ownership of spouses, their particular ownership, administering of these properties, mutual obligations of spouses in relation to this property, the division of this property, as well as applicable legislation regulating this issue. It was especially treated judicial proceeding and the competencies of the courts when deciding, on the request of spouses, for the division of joint property. Among other things, there were also elaborated the criteria based on which the court made the division of joint property of spouses in accordance with provisions of the Kosovo's Family Law.

The training was conducted through interactive discussions at its every stage by participating judges, who have raised dilemmas and uncertainties about interpretation and implementation in the decision-making process by the courts.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic courts and professional associates in the courts.

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