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Case law in civil, administrative and commercial matters according to the European Court of Justice

On October 19, 2022, the Academy of Justice, as part of the Continuous Training Program, is conducting the training on: "Judicial practice in civil, administrative and commercial matters according to the European Court of Justice"

Trainers engaged in this training are: Mr. Hajredin Kuqi, professor at the University of Pristina - Faculty of Law, Mr. Emrush Ujkani, judicial trainer at the Academy of Justice, Mr. Islam Sllamniku, Permanent Trainer at the Academy of Justice.

The purpose of this training is to advance the knowledge of the participants regarding the effect and implementation of European law at the national level (direct and indirect effect), the harmonization of national and European law - the volume and limits of judicial interpretation in the pre-accession period and the difficulties (in civil cases) as well as the implementation of EU law by national courts – experiences - the volume and limits of judicial interpretation in the pre-accession period and the difficulties (in commercial cases)                                        

The applied methodology is of a combined character, with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training are: Judges and prosecutors from the Basic level.


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